  • In Qatar, environmental strategies are designed

    to promote sustainability and ensure a balanced meeting of the needs of present and future generations.

  • Using water TSE for agricultural purposes

    presents a sustainable solution that lessens the dependency on fresh groundwater sources.

  • Raising awareness and educating the community are vital

    for maximizing the benefits of utilizing TSE.

  • The College of Education at Qatar University has undertaken the vital mission of achieving regional sustainability

    through The "Raising Awareness: Qatar's Use of Treated Sludge Effluent (TSE) for Agriculture" project.


What is the "Raising Awareness: Qatar's Use of Treated Sludge Effluent (TSE) for Agriculture" project about?

The "Raising Awareness: Qatar's Use of Treated Sludge Effluent (TSE) for Agriculture" project complements scientific research initiatives by emphasizing the sustainability of environmental resources. The project aims to educate and raise awareness among various segments of the Qatari community regarding the qualities of TSE, including its safety for use in agriculture and its superior quality over local groundwater. It also highlights the importance of implementing scientifically proven methods to safeguard the environment for future generations. This project, conducted by the College of Education at Qatar University, involves a team of distinguished academics, researchers, and exceptional students from education and scientific colleges who act as knowledge ambassadors in community awareness efforts.

About About
Source: Project M-QJRC-2020-9

The Significance of the Project

This project aims  to offer practical solutions to a significant challenge: “ensure Qatar’s self-sufficiency in strategic commodities and shift production towards best practice technologies to drive yield improvement.” It also contributes to achieving Pillar C of Qatar's National Food Security Strategy, which aims to “put in place adequate but...

The Significance of the Project The Significance of the Project
Source: Project M-QJRC-2020-9

Project Goals

  • Educating the public on the food supply chain's risks and potential solutions to preserve it.

  • Raising community awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and protecting vital resources like groundwater.

  • Supporting Qatar's economic goals by partially replacing expensive and overexploited water sources with more affordable and plentiful ones.

  • Achieving resource sustainability and reducing demand for depleted groundwater to support Qatar's environmental goals.

  • Increasing the next generation's openness to modern options that promote food security.

  • Providing sufficient knowledge and information to essential stakeholders, including consumers, producers, farm owners, managers, and consultants.

The project's target groups

The project "Raising Awareness: Qatar's Use of Treated Sludge Effluent (TSE) for Agriculture" aims to collaborate with different community categories. These include:

Consumers in the Qatari community

Consumers in the Qatari community

such as parents, teachers, and students.

Qatari producers

Qatari producers

such as farmers, farm owners, managers, consultants, and decision-makers in the food supply chain.

The project's target groups

Project Stages



Analysis and Development

Analysis and Development

Implementation and Evaluation

Implementation and Evaluation

Project Team

  • Dr. Nasser Mansour
    Dr. Nasser Mansour
  • Dr. Sophia Ghanimeh
    Dr. Sophia Ghanimeh
  • Dr. Hiba Naccache
    Dr. Hiba Naccache
  •  Dr. Helmi Hamdi
    Dr. Helmi Hamdi
  • Dr. Hareb Aljabri
    Dr. Hareb Aljabri

Project Partners

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